201331 - Metallic halogens - 34 Manufacturers List
2013311000 - Fluorides fluorosilicates fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts - 1 Manufacturer
2013313001 - Iron chloride - 8 Manufacturer
2013313002 - Aluminum chloride - 11 Manufacturer
2013313099 - Other chlorides (except ammonium chloride) - 10 Manufacturer
2013315000 - Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper and other metals - 2 Manufacturer
2013317000 - Bromide and bromide oxides; iodide and iodide oxides - 2 Manufacturer
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201331 - Metallic halogens - 34 Manufacturers List
Цена по акции$4.00
Обычная цена$11.00