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Our comprehensive and reliable database includes up-to-date contact information for nearly 300,000 Turkish manufacturing companies across 32 different sectors. Each company's website, email address, and other contact details are sorted by the number of employees, starting with the largest firms. This resource is ideal for exporters, importers, distributors, and business partners looking to connect with key players in their industry. Enhance your marketing strategies and expand your business network with these current and trustworthy details.

정렬 기준:

상품 32개


$9.00 할인01 - Crop and animal production and hunting and related service activities - 1591 Manufacturer List
$25.00 할인03 - Fisheries and aquaculture - 25 Manufacturers List
03 - Fisheries and aquaculture - 25 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$3.00 정상 가격$28.00
$2.00 할인05 - Coal and lignite extraction - 304 Manufacturers List
05 - Coal and lignite extraction - 304 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$26.00 정상 가격$28.00
$4.00 할인07 - Metal ores mining - 482 Manufacturers List
07 - Metal ores mining - 482 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$41.00 정상 가격$45.00
$60.00 할인08 - Other mining and quarrying - 7672 Manufacturers List
08 - Other mining and quarrying - 7672 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$247.00 정상 가격$307.00
$267.00 할인10 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List
10 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$1,028.00 정상 가격$1,295.00
$6.00 할인11 - Manufacture of beverages - 939 Manufacturers List
11 - Manufacture of beverages - 939 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$72.00 정상 가격$78.00
$2.00 할인12 - Manufacture of tobacco products - 116 Manufacturers List
$93.00 할인13 - Manufacture of textile products - 16926 Manufacturers List
13 - Manufacture of textile products - 16926 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$471.00 정상 가격$564.00
$434.00 할인14 - Manufacture of clothing - 51860 Manufacturers List
14 - Manufacture of clothing - 51860 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$1,295.00 정상 가격$1,729.00
$27.00 할인15 - Manufacture of leather and related products - 4217 Manufacturers List
$60.00 할인16 - Manufacture of wood wood products and cork products (except furniture) manufacture of articles made  - 7749 Manufacturers List
$27.00 할인17 - Manufacture of paper and paper products - 3843 Manufacturers List
$6.00 할인19 - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products - 564 Manufacturers List
$93.00 할인20 - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products - 15967 Manufacturers List
$3.00 할인21 - 기초의약품 및 의약품 원료 제조업 - 465 제조사 목록
$93.00 할인22 - 고무 및 플라스틱 제품 제조업 - 12850 제조사 목록
$93.00 할인23 - 기타 비금속 광물제품 제조업 - 11291 제조업자 목록
$27.00 할인24 - 기초금속공업 - 5853 제조사 목록
24 - 기초금속공업 - 5853 제조사 목록 할인 가격$207.00 정상 가격$234.00
$134.00 할인25 - 금속가공제품 제조업(기계 및 장비 제외) - 25162 제조업자목록
$27.00 할인26 - 컴퓨터 전자 및 광학 제품 제조업 - 4140 제조업체 목록
$93.00 할인27 - 전기 장비 제조업 - 9025 제조사 목록
27 - 전기 장비 제조업 - 9025 제조사 목록 할인 가격$268.00 정상 가격$361.00
$134.00 할인28 - 달리 분류되지 않은 기계 및 장비 제조업 - 29121 제조업자 목록
$26.00 할인29 - 자동차 트레일러 및 세미트레일러 제조업 - 5289 제조사 목록