58 Turkish Manufacturers Contact List for Aldehyde-functionalized compounds التخطي إلى المحتوى

سلة المشتريات

سلة مشترياتك فارغة

201461 - Aldehyde-functionalized compounds - 58 Manufacturers List

السعر بعد الخصم$6.00 السعر قبل الخصم$115.00

2014611100 - Methanal (formaldehyde) - 12 Manufacturer
2014612000 - Cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function - 1 Manufacturer
2014614000 - Aldehyde ethers aldehyde phenols and other oxygen-functionalized aldehydes - 41 Manufacturer
2014615000 - Cyclic polymers of aldehydes - 2 Manufacturer

201461 - Aldehyde-functionalized compounds - 58 Manufacturers List
201461 - Aldehyde-functionalized compounds - 58 Manufacturers List السعر بعد الخصم$6.00 السعر قبل الخصم$115.00