Food-Beverage-Tobacco 내용으로 건너뛰기


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Explore the vibrant Food-Beverage-Tobacco sector of Turkey with our premium PDF listings, precisely organized by Prodcom numbers and sorted from the largest to the smallest employers. Our directories offer detailed contact information, enabling you to directly connect with major manufacturers and specialized producers alike. Perfect for businesses looking to source new suppliers, expand their market presence, or conduct detailed industry research. These invaluable resources provide insights into Turkey's diverse food, beverage, and tobacco industries, helping you make informed decisions and forge strategic alliances. Secure your copy today and tap into a network of top-tier producers in this essential sector!

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상품 208개


$267.00 할인10 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List
10 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$1,028.00 정상 가격$1,295.00
$10.00 할인1011 - Processing and storage of meat - 1739 Manufacturers List
1011 - Processing and storage of meat - 1739 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$106.00 정상 가격$116.00
$6.00 할인101111 - Bovine meat fresh or chilled - 808 Manufacturers List
$40.00 할인101112 - Pork fresh or chilled - 1 Manufacturer List
101112 - Pork fresh or chilled - 1 Manufacturer List 할인 가격$1.00 정상 가격$41.00
$3.00 할인101113 - Mutton fresh or chilled - 445 Manufacturers List
101113 - Mutton fresh or chilled - 445 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$38.00 정상 가격$41.00
$7.00 할인101114 - Goat meat fresh or chilled - 2 Manufacturers List
$1.00 할인101120 - Edible offal of bovine animals and pigs sheep goats horses and other equine animals fresh or chilled - 74 Manufacturers List
$2.00 할인101131 - Meat from bovine animals frozen - 88 Manufacturers List
$9.00 할인101132 - Pork frozen - 2 Manufacturers List
101132 - Pork frozen - 2 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$1.00 정상 가격$10.00
$8.00 할인101133 - Mutton frozen - 19 Manufacturers List
101133 - Mutton frozen - 19 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$2.00 정상 가격$10.00
$9.00 할인101135 - Meat of horses and other equine animals frozen - 1 Manufacturer List
$7.00 할인101139 - Other meats and edible offal fresh chilled and frozen - 33 Manufacturers List
$9.00 할인101141 - Fatty wool from hides including washed fleece - 3 Manufacturers List
$4.00 할인101142 - Raw hides and skins whole (bovine or equine) - 56 Manufacturers List
$8.00 할인101143 - Raw hides and skins except whole (bovine or equine) - 19 Manufacturers List
$5.00 할인101144 - Raw hides and skins (sheep and lambs) - 63 Manufacturers List
$9.00 할인101145 - Raw hides and skins (goats and kids) - 2 Manufacturers List
$7.00 할인101150 - Fats (from cattle sheep goats and pigs) - 29 Manufacturers List
$1.00 할인101160 - Unprocessed offal non-edible - 94 Manufacturers List
$3.00 할인1012 - Processing and storage of poultry meat - 390 Manufacturers List
$3.00 할인101210 - Poultry meat fresh or chilled - 238 Manufacturers List
$2.00 할인101220 - Poultry meat frozen - 99 Manufacturers List
101220 - Poultry meat frozen - 99 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$9.00 정상 가격$11.00
$121.00 할인101230 - Poultry fat - 18 Manufacturers List
101230 - Poultry fat - 18 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$2.00 정상 가격$123.00
$120.00 할인101240 - Edible offal of poultry - 30 Manufacturers List
101240 - Edible offal of poultry - 30 Manufacturers List 할인 가격$3.00 정상 가격$123.00