化学・薬局 – ページ 2 コンテンツへスキップ




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180 製品


$45.00オフ201351 - Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids colloidal precious metals - 12 Manufacturers List
$43.00オフ201352 - Inorganic compounds not elsewhere classified (including distilled water) amalgams (except amalgams o - 30 Manufacturers List
$43.00オフ201362 - Cyanides (cyanide) cyanide oxides and complex cyanides fulminates cyanates and thiocyanates silicate - 30 Manufacturers List
$45.00オフ201363 - Hydrogen peroxide - 11 Manufacturer List
201363 - Hydrogen peroxide - 11 Manufacturer List セール価格$1.00 通常価格$46.00
$45.00オフ201364 - Phosphides carbides hydrides nitrides azides silicides and borides - 2 Manufacturers List
$45.00オフ201365 - Compounds of rare earth metals and yttrium or scandium compounds - 1 Manufacturer List
$45.00オフ201366 - Sulfur (except sublimated sulfur precipitated sulfur colloidal sulfur) - 11 Manufacturer List
$3.00オフ2014 - Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals - 497 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201411 - Acyclic (ringless) hydrocarbons - 10 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201412 - Cyclic (cyclic) hydrocarbons - 14 Manufacturers List
201412 - Cyclic (cyclic) hydrocarbons - 14 Manufacturers List セール価格$1.00 通常価格$115.00
$114.00オフ201413 - Chlorinated derivatives of acyclic (ringless) hydrocarbons - 3 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201414 - Sulfolated nitroated or nitrosolated derivatives of hydrocarbons (whether or not halogenated) - 7 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201421 - Industrial fatty alcohols - 2 Manufacturers List
201421 - Industrial fatty alcohols - 2 Manufacturers List セール価格$1.00 通常価格$115.00
$114.00オフ201422 - Monohydric alcohols - 11 Manufacturer List
201422 - Monohydric alcohols - 11 Manufacturer List セール価格$1.00 通常価格$115.00
$111.00オフ201423 - Diols polyalcohols cyclic alcohols and their derivatives - 37 Manufacturers List
$111.00オフ201431 - Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids acid fats produced during refining processes - 38 Manufacturers List
$112.00オフ201432 - Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their derivatives - 31 Manufacturer List
$113.00オフ201433 - Unsaturated monocarboxylic cyclanic cyclenic or cycloterpenic acyclic polycarboxylic acids and their - 22 Manufacturers List
$113.00オフ201434 - Aromatic polycarboxylic and carboxylic acids (with additional oxygen function) and their derivatives - 18 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201441 - Amine-functionalized compounds - 6 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201442 - Oxygen-functionalized amino compounds (except lysine and glutamic acids) - 5 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201443 - Ureins carboximide functional compounds nitrile functional compounds their derivatives - 2 Manufacturers List
$113.00オフ201444 - Other nitrogen-functionalized compounds - 20 Manufacturers List
$114.00オフ201451 - Organo-sulfur compounds other organo-inorganic compounds - 3 Manufacturers List