Alimenti-Bevande-Tabacchi Vai al contenuto


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Esplora il vivace settore alimentare-bevande-tabacco della Turchia con i nostri elenchi PDF premium, organizzati con precisione in base ai numeri Prodcom e ordinati dai datori di lavoro più grandi ai più piccoli. Le nostre directory offrono informazioni di contatto dettagliate, consentendoti di entrare in contatto direttamente con i principali produttori e produttori specializzati. Perfetto per le aziende che cercano di reperire nuovi fornitori, espandere la propria presenza sul mercato o condurre ricerche di settore dettagliate. Queste risorse inestimabili forniscono approfondimenti sui diversi settori alimentare, delle bevande e del tabacco della Turchia, aiutandoti a prendere decisioni informate e a stringere alleanze strategiche. Assicurati la tua copia oggi stesso e attingi a una rete di produttori di alto livello in questo settore essenziale!


208 prodotti


Risparmia $267.0010 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List
10 - Manufacture of food products - 38859 Manufacturers List Prezzo scontato$1,028.00 Prezzo $1,295.00
Risparmia $10.001011 - Processing and storage of meat - 1739 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $6.00101111 - Bovine meat fresh or chilled - 808 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $40.00101112 - Pork fresh or chilled - 1 Manufacturer List
101112 - Pork fresh or chilled - 1 Manufacturer List Prezzo scontato$1.00 Prezzo $41.00
Risparmia $3.00101113 - Mutton fresh or chilled - 445 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $7.00101114 - Goat meat fresh or chilled - 2 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $1.00101120 - Edible offal of bovine animals and pigs sheep goats horses and other equine animals fresh or chilled - 74 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $2.00101131 - Meat from bovine animals frozen - 88 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $9.00101132 - Pork frozen - 2 Manufacturers List
101132 - Pork frozen - 2 Manufacturers List Prezzo scontato$1.00 Prezzo $10.00
Risparmia $8.00101133 - Mutton frozen - 19 Manufacturers List
101133 - Mutton frozen - 19 Manufacturers List Prezzo scontato$2.00 Prezzo $10.00
Risparmia $9.00101135 - Meat of horses and other equine animals frozen - 1 Manufacturer List
Risparmia $7.00101139 - Other meats and edible offal fresh chilled and frozen - 33 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $9.00101141 - Fatty wool from hides including washed fleece - 3 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $4.00101142 - Raw hides and skins whole (bovine or equine) - 56 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $8.00101143 - Raw hides and skins except whole (bovine or equine) - 19 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $5.00101144 - Raw hides and skins (sheep and lambs) - 63 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $9.00101145 - Raw hides and skins (goats and kids) - 2 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $7.00101150 - Fats (from cattle sheep goats and pigs) - 29 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $1.00101160 - Unprocessed offal non-edible - 94 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $3.001012 - Processing and storage of poultry meat - 390 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $3.00101210 - Poultry meat fresh or chilled - 238 Manufacturers List
Risparmia $2.00101220 - Poultry meat frozen - 99 Manufacturers List
101220 - Poultry meat frozen - 99 Manufacturers List Prezzo scontato$9.00 Prezzo $11.00
Risparmia $121.00101230 - Poultry fat - 18 Manufacturers List
101230 - Poultry fat - 18 Manufacturers List Prezzo scontato$2.00 Prezzo $123.00
Risparmia $120.00101240 - Edible offal of poultry - 30 Manufacturers List