1106 - Malt production - 8 Manufacturers List
Sale price$1.00
Regular price$62.00
1107 - Manufacture of soft drinks production of mineral waters and other bottled waters - 689 Manufacturers List
Sale price$56.00
Regular price$62.00
110711 - Mineral water and carbonated waters (except sweetened and flavored) - 303 Manufacturers List
Sale price$25.00
Regular price$28.00
110719 - Other soft drinks - 386 Manufacturers List
Sale price$33.00
Regular price$36.00
12 - Manufacture of tobacco products - 116 Manufacturers List
Sale price$10.00
Regular price$12.00
120011 - Cigars open-ended cigars cigarillos (little cigars) and cigarettes made of tobacco or tobacco substi - 19 Manufacturers List
Sale price$2.00
Regular price$11.00
120019 - Other manufactured tobacco and substitutes homogenized or reconstituted tobacco tobacco extracts and - 97 Manufacturers List
Sale price$9.00
Regular price$11.00
0812 Kegiatan penambangan kerikil dan pasir ekstraksi tanah liat dan kaolin - 4629 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$205.00
Regular price$231.00
1039 - Pengolahan dan penyimpanan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran yang tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain - 5113 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$178.00
Regular price$204.00
1041 - Produksi minyak cair dan padat - 3146 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$148.00
Regular price$157.00
1051 - Peternakan sapi perah dan produksi keju - 5528 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$194.00
Regular price$221.00
1061 - Industri sereal giling dan produk sayuran - 3154 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$148.00
Regular price$158.00
1071 - Industri roti produk roti segar dan kue segar - 7208 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$228.00
Regular price$288.00
1082 - Industri coklat kakao dan kembang gula - 2914 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$167.00
Regular price$194.00
1089 - Industri bahan makanan lainnya yang tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain - 1304 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$89.00
Regular price$95.00
1091 - Industri pakan ternak siap pakai - 1092 Daftar Produsen
Sale price$74.00
Regular price$80.00